Sunday, September 30, 2012

Please Stay Tuned...

Hello Reader!

First and foremost, this is not a new story. This is simply a note from me to you, to tell you that, even though I have not posted anything in a little over a year, I have been working intermittently on a few shorts and one should be up (hopefully) soon. I could give excuses as to why I haven't posted anything, but honestly I've just been unmotivated. At least, that's the largest contributor to my absence.

I did have spine surgery recently, so I have found myself with a whole lot of free time. Over the past year, I did manage to dabble in a few things here and there, mostly just vague ideas I was too lazy to turn into actual plots or do anything else with. So for now, I've gone back to those trusty old Writer's Digest starters and I think one is almost ready to go up. So if you happen to stumble across this blog between now and then, keep in mind it's coming and check back soon.

I warn you in advance, it won't be my best work. Although, none of these really are. Some are just better than others.

Until next time, keep reading!
